
Joe Olson

Garage Force of Charleston President


We proudly serve the Charleston area. Contact our team today for a quote or more information!

Evan Olson

Garage Force of Charleston Lead Installer


Welcome to our story, where concrete floors are more than just surfaces – they are a canvas for us to create something much more – an inviting place where you can showcase a part of your home you can be proud of. I’m Evan Olson, the guy with the beard behind this venture. Coincidentally, Garage Force is headquartered in beautiful La Crosse, WI, where our journey began. Our family moved to La Crosse in 1999, where my parents were both successful civil engineers. Their passion for building great projects originated from their early days as civil engineers building roads and bridges. With my dad having been born in NC and having friends and family in both NC and SC, my parents were immediately drawn to the Charleston area, and finally made the move down to the Carolinas in 2018. The tie back to La Crosse and Garage Force was made easy by the shared values of quality, craftsmanship, honesty and a strong work ethic. As co-owners of Garage Force of Charleston with me, they are able to lend assistance with their knowledge of construction materials and processes.

After more than a decade in the dynamic IT consulting and contracting industry, with a reputation for delivering top-notch solutions to my client’s most pressing IT issues, it was time to take on new challenges. I was eager to build something bigger. My parents had been evaluating a number of franchise opportunities when they were introduced to Garage Force. Having had a polyurea floor installed in their garage on Johns Island several years earlier, they loved the idea of improving the garage experience for others. They approached me to gauge my interest in joining them as the managing partner and I jumped at the chance to help them build a family legacy by putting smiles on the faces of all those looking for a man-cave or a she-shed, or just a place to hang out and enjoy company.

Our decision to establish the Garage Force franchise in Charleston was driven by more than business strategy; it was a choice to build a business in a community that values tradition yet appreciates innovation and ingenuity.

We proudly serve the Charleston area. Contact our team today for a quote or more information!

Karen Olson

Garage Force of Charleston Chief Financial Officer


We proudly serve the Charleston area. Contact our team today for a quote or more information!

Welcome to The Garage Force! Our concrete coating team works closely with the manufacturer, through research and development, to allow us to revolutionize and dominate the market for concrete floor coatings. When dry, the concrete coating creates a seamless membrane, that protects concrete floors from breaking, chipping, pitting, and spalling. The protective coating is incredibly easy to maintain, slip-resistant, durable, and extremely resistant to abrasion, impacts and chemicals. And, to top it all off (literally), our concrete coatings look great!

Garage Force is a national franchise, offering top-quality concrete coating options to people around the country. Our product is perfect for residential or commercial garage flooring, auto shops, basements, driveways, pool decks, and anywhere else you have concrete. Protect your cement investment and provide additional safety and a brilliant look to your space. Some benefits of Garage Force concrete coating include:



  • One-day floor coating installation
  • Residential lifetime warranty
  • 100% Polyurea eco-safe with LEED contribution (base and top coat)
  • Dust-free installation, low odor, no VOC
  • Flexible and up to 20X more durable than epoxy.
  • Improved slip and impact resistance
  • Installation teams throughout the US


Proudly serving the surrounding area of Johns Island with unprecedented service, exemplary workmanship, and products that stand out, we are proud to be the reason you love your garage floor. Discover what we have to offer by calling us for your free estimate now.


Our polyurea floors are 20x stronger than epoxy.


Our floors are 100% UV resistant, so they will never yellow.


The coating can be applied year-round, regardless of weather.


Floors are completely resistant to all common chemicals, including calcium, salt, oil, gasoline and grease.


Flooring options are available in a variety of styles and colors.


We look forward to speaking with you and planning your project, please contact us.